Sunday, October 12, 2014

Some cuteness for you!

Sorry.  Its been awhile.  Here are a couple videos from this week!  He is changing so much and becoming more and more like a boy every day!  One is him putting his balls in the gumball machine by himself.  The other is of him being adorable after a meal of blueberries and pasta.  What a cheese ball!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Oops. Sorry!

Sorry it's been too long. But here are some videos and slide shows to show how much he's grown!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hello Ladies!

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Nathan was in his first parade. He helped sleep in the stroller while we pulled the sign for the bicycle club. It was a fun morning and Keith even rode an adult sized tricycle. Keith's coworker, Ryan, also rode an old high wheeler - everyone on the parade route loved seeing that.

Then we had to have pictures with us in our green clothing! Aren't my boys cute?

Swimming photo

Keith took this one when we went swimming. He has such a big belly!

First Time Trying Cereal

We tried... Not much got swallowed that time. This was a few weeks ago. Since then he has tried Applesauce. He hated  that. This week we tried sweet potatoes and he really likes them! We got more in his mouth than on the bin so we consider it a success! He has also learned what a spoon is and opens up his mouth when you put it close to his face! He is growing up!!