Sunday, October 12, 2014

Some cuteness for you!

Sorry.  Its been awhile.  Here are a couple videos from this week!  He is changing so much and becoming more and more like a boy every day!  One is him putting his balls in the gumball machine by himself.  The other is of him being adorable after a meal of blueberries and pasta.  What a cheese ball!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Oops. Sorry!

Sorry it's been too long. But here are some videos and slide shows to show how much he's grown!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hello Ladies!

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Nathan was in his first parade. He helped sleep in the stroller while we pulled the sign for the bicycle club. It was a fun morning and Keith even rode an adult sized tricycle. Keith's coworker, Ryan, also rode an old high wheeler - everyone on the parade route loved seeing that.

Then we had to have pictures with us in our green clothing! Aren't my boys cute?

Swimming photo

Keith took this one when we went swimming. He has such a big belly!

First Time Trying Cereal

We tried... Not much got swallowed that time. This was a few weeks ago. Since then he has tried Applesauce. He hated  that. This week we tried sweet potatoes and he really likes them! We got more in his mouth than on the bin so we consider it a success! He has also learned what a spoon is and opens up his mouth when you put it close to his face! He is growing up!!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Nathan's first time in the excersaucer

He loves to make noise!

Silly Noises

So Nathan has learned to make a few silly noises lately.  A couple weeks ago he started blowing raspberries.  The past week or so he has also started making this weird kind of laughing/Woody Woodpecker sound when he either has his diaper changed or we lay him down to have his diaper changed.  I tried to get him to make either of the noises.  Well, you'll just have to watch to find out.  

Friday, March 7, 2014

Mommy! We need peanut butter!

Nathan was helping me write a grocery list tonight. He also likes to crinkle paper. :-) Last night I think we had the Kohls ad all over the couch but it kept us entertained for a little while. He's been having a weird week and has been a little grumpy.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

More Random Pics

Here are some pictures Karen has taken. He's made friends with the cat and has had his four month pictures taken. He also loves to do abdominal exercises and snuggle with Daddy.

First Time Swimming

We took Nathan to a local pool for the first time. He loved it and did really well when his face got wet and kids around him splashed. He just wanted to lay back and kick! Of course that is what he did for nine months, so it is only natural! :-)

Then, as we always do after swimming, we went out for ice cream. You can tell by his face.. "I want ice cream, too!" Some day, little man. Some day.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Fun Sledding Video

We had a bunch of snow and it makes me want to go Sledding. This was so much fun and thought I'd make a little video of it. :-)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Uh oh!

I think Nathan has discovered the TV! We've caught him watching it. He apparently likes the Chevy commercial and is a Indianapolis Colts fan. He is sad they are behind. (we are watching football tonight.) :-)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Some cute videos for you to watch

Here are some cute videos for you! I've got it set up so people can only see my videos if they have the right link. You can't search for them. 

Friday, January 3, 2014


I hate to wake him up to take him upstairs just to put him to bed!